Air Purification Systems
Did you know that the air inside a typical home is five times dirtier than the outside air?
That’s right! The air inside a typical home is up to 5 times dirtier than the air outside! And, according to The World Health Organization, air pollution has become the world's single biggest environmental health risk, linked to around 7 million deaths in 2012.
Everyone has a certain tolerance for airborne chemicals and particulates. Some people’s tolerance is very high. Other folks, such as those with allergies, the very young, the elderly and those with compromised or weakened immune systems are not so lucky and are more at risk if exposed to excessive airborne contaminates.
The key is to reduce the amount of contaminants taken into the body’s respiratory system. HEPA, which is an acronym for High Efficiency Particulate Absorbing, is an air filtration standard developed by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. HEPA air filtration is 99.97% effective at removing particulate 0.3 micrometers in diameter.
Without getting too technical, it is important to understand that 0.3 micrometers is not the smallest size HEPA filters will capture, but 0.3 is what is known as the MPPS or Most Penetrating Particle Size, and 99.97% of all particles exactly this size will be stopped by the HEPA filtration. Particles smaller or larger than 0.3 are trapped with even higher efficiency.
Chesapeake Environmental Solutions has true HEPA air filtration systems for any application. Whether you want portable units for individual rooms, or a system that will clean the air in your entire home. And they are probably not as expensive as you might think. A system that can effectively completely clean and recirculate the air in an average size room multiple times an hour is just a couple hundred dollars or so.
Call 410-286-0234410-286-0234 today for a free, no obligation consultation on which system would work best for you.